City Collab Eindhoven

Transform your business.
The smart way.

Understand how your business truly runs and unlock new value in every process corner with Celonis.

City Collab EINDHOVEN - Hero Image

It all starts with your processes

Leading tech hub, Eindhoven, is home to major players like Philips who leverage Celonis to transform their business processes and drive innovation. Your turn.


What can you achieve with Celonis?

Logo Hp
$1 Billion
Free cashflow opportunity identified
annual savings from rework reduction and efficiency gains
CO2e reduction potential identified

Upcoming Events

Want to network with thought leaders from your industry? Discover how Process Intelligence can transform your business? Or just learn more about Celonis? Pick one of these events.

Reasons to join

Meet people like you

Connect with thought leaders from your home turf. Feel the pulse of your industry. Share best practices, learn, network and have a blast at one of our Eindhoven events.

Make AI work for your business

See how Celonis Process Intelligence can help you realize more value, enable new technologies like AI, and optimize not just processes, but entire value chains.

Push your performance

Hear how leaders from your industry use Celonis Process Intelligence to capture millions in value, keep inflation at bay, navigate supply chain volatility, delight their customers, and balance sustainability and growth.

Join the process movement

Find the value, fix the business, fast! Contact us, watch the recording of our demo and webinars or join us live at one of our events! 

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