Top Tech Networking Events in London

City Collab London

Stop here to transform your business processes.

Understand how your business truly runs and unlock new value in every process corner with Celonis.

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Companies who trust Celonis

It all starts with your processes

1,400+ companies like Reckitt, BP, Vodafone or AstraZeneca use Celonis to understand their processes, find improvement opportunities, and turn Process Intelligence into business value. Now it's your turn.


What can you achieve with Celonis

Reduction in time to take the product to market.
Tens of millions
Of dollars unlocked in value
Reduction in rejected sales orders

Upcoming Events

Want to network with peers from your industry? Discover how process intelligence can transform your business? Or just learn more about Celonis? Pick any one of these events.

Celonis Day London
In-person event | 18 June 2024 | Kings Place

Join us and be part of our biggest event in London. It’s your chance to make a big leap in Process Mining and progress your path to value. Register now.

NHS x Celonis Roundtable
Celonis Event | Wednesday 29th May | 1:00 - 6:00 pm BST

Thanks to NHS England’s support and investment in January five NHS trusts have started engagements to realise productivity improvements in outpatients, theatres and emergency departments.

This meetup is intended to discuss learnings, findings and facilitate an exchange on the value delivered to date as well as future plans to improve productivity, patient satisfaction while saving costs.


  • 1:00 - 1:15 Introductions and objectives
  • 1:15 - 2:00 | Theme 1 - Outpatients
    UHCW, UHD, DCH, Croydon to share approach and findings from outpatients productivity benefits
  • 2:00 - 2:45 | Theme 2 - Theatres
    UHCW to share approach and findings from outpatients productivity benefits with OCPM
  • 2:45 - 3:00 Networking Brea
  • 3:00 - 3:30 | Theme 3 - Emergency Department
    MKUH to share approach and hypothesis for ED productivity gains, findings if possible but this will depend on our start date and when we have access to data
  • 3:30 - 4:00 | Other high value impact process areas, e.g. Cancer
    UHCW to lead discussion on cancer pathway (which is in the pipeline), with the Somerset Cancer Register being used by most trusts to manage the cancer pathway this could be a highly valuable blueprint to enable the NHS to improve the management of cancer care while realising productivity gains
  • 4:00 - 4:15 Wrap up and next steps
  • 4:15 - 6:00 Drinks and Canapés on the Celonis terrace with an amazing view!
Logos Like You: Reckitt x Celonis | Unlocking value through the power of process mining
On-demand webinar

Discover how the integration of an Operational Excellence Center (CoE) propelled digital transformation at Reckitt, optimizing and automating over 40 processes internationally, while reducing waste and unlocking millions in value.

Digital Solutions for Retail Demo: Introducing Process Mining

We’ve boiled down the basics of process mining for retail to just 20 minutes: what it is, how it works, and a recommended starting point.

Introduction to Process Mining for Consumer Goods
On-demand webinar

Learn how Celonis delivers process improvements for consumer packaged goods companies, specifically as it relates to order management and other areas of your business in just 20 minutes.

What to expect

Meet people like you

Connect with thought leaders from your home turf. Feel the pulse of your industry. Share best practices, learn, network and have a blast at one of our London events.

Make AI work for your business

See how Celonis Process Intelligence can help you realize more value, enable new technologies like AI, and optimize not just processes, but entire value chains.

Push your performance

Hear how industry leaders use Celonis to capture millions in value, keep inflation at bay, navigate supply chain volatility, and delight their customers.

Join the process movement

Contact us, watch the recording of our demo and webinars or join us live at one of our events!

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